Monday, June 16, 2008

Nothing to sneeze at!

posted by Bill

So I come in this morning to find out 3 Buzzards have transferred that were here at the beginning of last week, another is headed for the DL with some disc issues (pun intended but really not funny for him), and another is out today at the allergist (really, I couldn’t make this stuff up Phil). Another is on leave until the end of June and I suspect is on a honeymoon but I don’t know that for sure and since I wasn’t invited…

Fair winds to CaptK, Jason & Lon!

Anyway, so you’d think we might be a little short today on numbers right? Well, not quite. You misjudge the depth of the Buzzards roster. We had another, Brook, do his best Lazarus routine and he will be back on the field today. Hollan has also recruited one of the 6 interns in his office to come out. How do you get 6 interns in one office???!!!!! And apparently he’d already finished the projects they were hired to work on so they’re really getting paid to do nothing but he could only get one of them out on the field.

At any rate, Happy Belated Father’s Day to all you dads. If you’re not one and forgot to call yours yesterday, go ahead and call today. Trust me, he won’t mind it late. Better than not hearing from you at all.

I’ve been splashing around in my new Keens this past week. They perform fabulously in the river if anybody’s in the market for such footwear. I also think I could probably take them from the water straight to an Ultimate field if the need ever arose. They have a nice cushion to them and strap across the feet well. Plus, on those days in the fall and spring when we play on the field and it resembles a sponge, I’d be right in my element and I wouldn’t have deodorize my gym bag after particularly wet shoe days.

For you golfers out there…and I know there are several that read this…did you catch Tiger’s putt on 18 yesterday? This guy was playing injured and missed way more fairways than he hit and still was able to pull off that putt to send the U.S. Open to an 18-hole playoff today. Hard not to root for a guy named Rocco though, especially since he’s 45 (right Bob?) but man, the “Cat” came roaring back on that last hole right when it looked like he would lose his first ever major that he went into Sunday leading.

Speaking of exciting golf, I fired a 3 under on the Wii last night? Can you play this interactively with other people that own Wiis? Maybe that’s the way we can finally match up our schedules Todd? You guys need to go out and get one of these if you haven’t already.


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