Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big crowd, no rain...

Submitted by Bill

With thunderstorms in the forecast when I came in yesterday, I decided to schedule a racquetball game with Ink & Visor instead. So of course, when some of the other whiny regulars shuffled in yesterday, notably Phil & Rodney, they wanted to know why we weren’t playing. And Rodney didn’t wait for an answer, he just called for a game. And as it turns out, it never rained at all yesterday and the 3 racquetball players came out for Ultimate anyway and we had 15! Or at least until Jason gimped off the field after pulling his calf. First game back after being gone at school. Hopefully not your last game before you leave J, that would be a lousy way to have to go. But it was good to see you out.

We also had a new player out yesterday. Everybody give a warm Buzzard welcome to KellyR from Rodney & Jorge’s shop. She got to experience the rumbling of Wings bearing down on her as she was getting ready to catch one. Hopefully that didn’t cause any PTUD (Post Traumatic Ultimate Disorder) and she’ll come back out.

Like most games when we have 7’s or more on either side, it was crowded and we had to find some passing lanes. Those were tough as I remember Conrad, Todd, Dennis, Phil & Eric all knocking discs out of the air in the endzone. Of course Conrad’s stellar defensive play went for naught as Tom & MattP were standing right there in the corner as the swatted disc fell in their collective hands. Bob also pulled in a deflection yesterday. Remember defense, hit them into the ground if you have the chance. With that many people any disc that stays up in the air probably has a good chance of landing in somebody’s hands. And if you hang around the end zone long enough…right Frank?...good things can happen (or bad depending on who’s team you’re on).

Okay folks, today is picture day!!!! Come on out at least for a team photo, even if you can’t play. If anybody is interested in taking some action shots during the game, that would be great. Maybe we’ll have enough where we can run a couple substitutes for each team and they can be the photographers.

Just a friendly reminder too about hydration. Yesterday was one of the first pretty humid days we’ve had out there. Please bring your water with you out on the field and don’t hesitate to call for a water break. We all need it and if you’re thinking it, then at least 3-4 other players are probably needing the break too. Or just run over to the sideline after a score if you don’t want to stop play. But please keep hydrated as we play…because you never know when the water won’t be there, like yesterday’s rain.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Redemption Songs...

Submitted by Bill

Old pirates, yes, they rob I;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs,
Redemption songs.

And those of us who had such a brutally awful game on Wednesday, and who came out yesterday had a bit of redemption in a much better game.

As usual, the 15-player game had a much different dynamic than the 7-player game and short passing was the rewarded premium. Of course with 8-7 the short passing lanes are often clogged with hands, legs, and other assorted body parts. Rodney even spiked one pass into my forehead yesterday. To add to that crowd control challenge yesterday, the breeze had picked up pretty nicely by game time and even though we were playing north to south to try and mitigate its advantage going one way all the time, it was still a factor blowing across the field generally and making the long pass a scarce commodity yesterday.

I believe yesterday was Justin’s last day of BPUC and though he hasn’t been out much of late we managed a great turnout for his farewell game.

There were a few awesome catches yesterday. Devan had a classic sideways layout for a score that required a great last second grab. Phil & Swinny also had very nice grabs. Tired of chasing Bob & Hollan around the past couple weeks, I decided to put myself on their team yesterday. Hey! You guys can both throw too!

There was some pre-game discussion as to what SOTG does and does not involve and suffice it to say that any friendly touching of anatomical areas of another player, while not specifically outlawed should fall back to that “two consenting adults” rule. Thanks for that mental image Rodney & MattP.

Thanks also to Frank, Eli, Conrad, & Jorge for rounding out the big crowd.

Anybody think we can get permissive orders to travel to Texel Beach for a tournament in June. Ah, now the real question…does anybody, without using Google, actually know where Texel Beach is? You might be surprised…the hint…it’s in the land of my ancestors.

Hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday weekend. Hollan, let this substitute for the “safety speech” you’ll be missing today. In all seriousness folks, even if you are being safe, there is a good chance that if driving, long hours, or alcohol is going to be involved in your weekend that somebody may not practice the best safety practice. Please be careful, watch out for your family and friends, be the example of good judgment and come back to the field in one piece next week.

Thank you to all those who have paid the Ultimate price so that I can go out on a field during lunch break of my job to play a game.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Playlist...

For those of you who actually use it...or care...there is a new playlist "Old School MTV" on the Jukebox.

And...6 votes in for "MOB" & "SOTG" awards.

Laws of Physics...lab demonstrations.

Submitted by Bill

v = 0m/s was never so evident as yesterday as the 4-man green team was humbled to the point of wondering whether we should ever come back out again. The dead Sir Isaac Newton could not have played much worse. I badly needed an unbalanced force to act upon my object (re:arse and everything connected to it) at rest.

Okay, first things first. I did put 3 very good players on the short team yesterday. Bryan, Eric & Bob are a formidable trio regardless of who they were playing. The fact that they were playing team Stonehenge yesterday though made them look like the Ultimate National Champions and their Frisbee catching dogs.

After giving up the first 8 points of yesterday’s match (at least…it could have been more), the Pet Rocks finally scored. And so then our goal was to go score for score with them for a while which I think we managed to do for 3 or 4 scores each. So then we got really ambitious and decided to try and score 2 in a row. This was the team with the extra player mind you!

At one point Thunder got the disc and pivoted to throw and found Conrad 5 yards in front to the right with Bob all over him and then Phil & I both behind him asking for the disc. “I think the object is actually to move forward guys”, Scott reminded us.

Is it just me or is marking Eric like being at the table in a World Series of Poker tournament? Those shades of his make reading his eyes a bit difficult. So, I’ve resorted to just heavily cheating on his awesome flick side and try to make him throw the forehand which he tends to do over my head. Putting Swinny with two capable handlers seems almost criminal. I’ve got to stop handicapping my teams with my lack of run…or I could start running I guess. Of course the one good spring I did have yesterday resulted in Phil sailing the throw way over my head and out of bounds. Not that I deserved a good pass anyway after dropping one right to my hands earlier and letting frustration settle in, subsequently spiking the dropped pass and warping the disc. My apologizes to the other participating Buzzards on a really crappy show of “SOTG”.

I’m looking at the responses for today’s game and already plotting whose team I can sabotage today. The good news is that we already have 10, which means at least 4 throwing options when you get the disc and hopefully one or two of those will make it downfield a bit. I promise to exert a little more effort and perhaps become the “object in motion”.

I have the first nominations for MOB and SOTG for May, thanks for the interest.

Today is probably the last game of the week what with the 4-hour early libo tomorrow. Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend. Get out and throw a disc around somewhere this weekend, take some pictures of Buzzards at play and submit them for publication on this irreverent rant.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Missing the bus

Submitted by Bill

Well, by the time Swinny got out there and asked “What color should I put on?” it was already painfully evident that he needed to come to our side. The “school bus yellow” team was in desperate need of the extra man as we were, indeed, getting schooled.

So then, I’m thinking, “I’ve got Phil, Swinny & the extra person...this should absolutely swing the balance of power our way”. Unfortunately, Ultimate Karma had already set in apparently and with Phil mocking the SOTG score sheet, Jorge, Frank, Swinny & I were left to suffer the wrath of the disc gods, not to mention just some pretty good play on the other side of the field by Todd, Hollan, Rodney, & Wings (making his return after being gone a couple weeks).

Despite all the rain the evening before and earlier that morning, the field was in surprisingly good shape with hardly any standing water…well except for that one mud bog that MattP stepped in when pivoting for a throw. It distracted him so much that I came about a half second from getting a 10 count on him.

I found myself a half second or half foot shy in several other instances as well…going up for a jump disc against Todd, following Rodney across and enzone cut and watching his arms extend further than I’ve ever seen them before to catch a score, tossing my “machete” to Phil for a potential score gone bad, and whirling around on the final point of the game some 13 times before watching the disc land in Hollan’s hands for the final score.

At the suggestion of another faithful Buzzard, there has been some talk of offering up a couple monthly awards; most Outstanding Buzzard, and of course “Spirit of the Game” winner. The prizes are yet to be determined but we’ll start with May honorees. Please email me with your selections towards the end of next week. The “SOTG” award is self explanatory if you read the description on the website.

As far as criteria for the “MOB” award…I’m open for suggestions but it should, I suspect, be someone who has come out “regularly” (a majority of the games called), and who has demonstrated some Ultimate prowess, throwing efficiency, catching (layouts are a plus), and the underappreciated good defense. Perhaps when you nominate somebody you could just give me a couple bullets as to why you are.

Since we rarely keep score in any kind of official capacity and because my team pairing can be unfairly prohibitive to individual success at times, that should not necessarily be a factor in your nominations. Obviously, the MOB is going to make his/her teammates better but they still may not come out on top all the time. Also, to keep this as a morale booster (as if playing Ultimate everyday wasn’t enough), maybe we could stipulate that a player can not win the award more than once a quarter? I’m open for ideas. Shoot me an email if you have some thoughts.

Going to be a beautiful day for a game today…sunny, mid 60’s, don’t miss the chance to come out before the long weekend.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Readying the ark...

Submitted by Bill

Long as I remember
The rain been comin' down.
Clouds of myst'ry pourin'
Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages,
Tryin' to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder,
Who'll stop the rain.

You missed a great day yesterday if you didn’t come out. Sunny, mild and 6 on 5. We switched it up and played east to west on the north field yesterday. And it was fairly evenly matched 5 on 5 early in the game until Eric showed up and threw the balance of power over to the gold team. They worked a short passing game with surprising precision with Eric, Phil & Frank handling and finding Bob & Hollan with early-week speed in the end zones. Jorge back out for his 2nd game took a page from the MattC style guide for Ultimate, wore the bright yellow shirt and didn’t need a pinnie and then roamed the middle of the field making some nice grabs.

I liked my chances with green yesterday as any time I can have Todd & Eli throwing to me I know the chance are usually pretty good for getting some scores. Unfortunately, Thunder, Rodney & I couldn’t run under enough of them (re: we don’t run much to begin with). I think we each had our chances in the end zones and Todd and I managed to hook up on one nice floater early in the game but we just didn’t seem to get it quite in sync all game long.

Of course most of our offensive problems stemmed from lazy defense. Repeat after me everybody…”When you’re a man short, you have to come off the thrower and mark the cutter”… we all know this in our heads but transmitting that message to our feet was the problem yesterday and we got caught in a lot of short field circumstances where we were marking the thrower near the end zone and they just had to find the open cutter.

Well, it would be a really soggy game today. I’ve got my gear and I’m pondering sending out the email but the forecast has it coming down all day and it’s not exactly a warm rain….anybody else out there feeling ducky? Mallard? Where the heck are you?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quacking from Mallard

Submitted by Lindsay

Yes, I do remain on the list for nostaligia, but also in hopes that the day will come again when I have the opportunity to show the fng's (specifically Phil) how the game is played. (Bill's editorial comments...This shows how long Lindsay has been gone that he would still consider Phil an "fng". I really can't explain these unique feelings between these two.)

In answer though to your historical question, I started playing in the spring of 2002, and played almost everyday until the winter of 2003, which is when I blew out my knee on the field. This was during the BPUFC period, which would have been more accurately referred to as the Buzzards Point Ultimate Fighing Club. We prided ourselves on having three rules: 1) try not to run with the disc, 2) try to score; and 3) there are no rules. Seriously. During the time that I played I witnessed one blown knee, three broken finger, a broken nose, two broken ribs, innumberable black eyes, and bruises that covered entire body parts. Jamming and shoving was an integral part of the game. Girls like Phil probably would not have done well in that game. Instead of end zones we played with street hockey nets and a goalie. The goalie typically wore safety glasses and padded gloves. Water breaks were not permitted.

It's a better game now, except when Phil plays.

Chiefly addition, playing for 2, & losing traction

Submitted by Bill

Great numbers toward the end of last week. On Wednesday we had a ridiculous 16 come on out. Much of the regular cast but a new face also. Welcome out Jorge. Another Chief is always welcome. Devin also came out for the first time since last summer and we took turns chasing him around. 8 on 8 is a lot of players. You’ve really got to have your short passing game on and some semblance of order and being able to run from a stack. We’ll have to have a skills practice or two sometime soon maybe.

Thursday I missed but I hear there were another 12 out there including Bryan’s wife and their child to be.

Friday was a rain game. Well, actually it had stopped by the time we got out there and we got a nice turn out (for a rainy Friday) of 8. They dynamics are crazy different from playing with 8 players on a team to only 8 on the field. I was apologizing ahead of time to my team for stacking the opposing gold team with more speed but as it turned out…erroneously so. Todd, Tom, Frank & I actually looked like the running team on many occasions as we found a nice formula…Todd and I would make the first couple passes then hit Tom or Frank on a medium length pass and let those two give and go it into the end zone. In fact, we ran Tom silly in the end zone from side to side on Friday. Tom was showing off the other aspects of his game this week (throwing & running) to become that renaissance player. Despite Rodney’s claims of goon play the week before.

Phil, Bob, Hollan & Conrad couldn’t quite get gold all on the same page Friday. I told Bob, who had been showing off some speed earlier in the week “that he must have run his tank low” by Friday’s game. Conrad was planning a trip to the sports store for the weekend to cleat shop after his third or fourth fall in the wet grass.

Today looks like it may be the best day of the week to play as rain and thunderstorms move in on Tuesday & Wednesday. So let’s get out and have a great game today.

Got an email from Travis late Friday afternoon…made it safely to Massachusetts and sends along his greetings to the Buzzards. Oh, and another reply to the historian that chalks up his initial attendance to Annette. Travis says he remembers her first email invite after she took over the list. Stand up and take a bow Annette (oh, you are standing).

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Buzzard Banter

Actual Buzzard email chain:

There are some days when the email dialogue about the game or about Ultimate and other Buzzards is the most entertaining thing that could be put in this blog…

In that vain, I offer you the following from this morning’s discussion.

Bill: “Got another request to move the game time again today. Would 1145 or 1200 work as well for everybody who has already responded?”

Todd: “I’m in.”

Rodney: “Are you actually playing today?”

Todd: “It depends on whether my new office chief, who's in for the week, feels the need to learn exactly what it is I do as I'm packing up my gym bag. I opted against my first impression being, "Sorry, I'm kinda busy right now. Why don't you go ahead and come back later."

Thunder: “Your response should have been to drag the new office chief out to the playing field. Once he's addicted, it's only a matter of time before the whole office if out there.”

Guillermo: “Yea, I agree. You should have said ‘You want to learn exactly what I do? Come learn the finer points of discreetly inhibiting your opponents' verticality and how to get the most distance on the "rolling pull" ‘.

Rodney: “Isn't making excuses against new guy rule #2?

Bill: “Amendment to the "no excuse" rule. You're not allowed to spout that rule if you've asked him why he wasn't there! The rule is in place to keep people from offering excuses for not coming out in the first place...if you don’t want to know don't ask old man.”

Thunder: “Let's see, the rules of Buzzard's Point Ultimate Club:

1st RULE: You do talk about ULTIMATE.
2nd RULE: You DO talk about ULTIMATE.
3rd RULE: If enough players are available, there will be "game on".
4th RULE: Only one defender on the marker.
5th RULE: One disc at a time.
6th RULE: Must wear a penny, must wear shoes.
7th RULE: Game will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first game of ULTIMATE, you HAVE to pull.

I guess we could add the "no excuses" rule.

Bill: “In the "new guy" chronology of players...who in the world gave Thunder sanctioning authority? You're a relative babe to this game there big guy. Else you would know that pinnies and shoes are always optional and that the defender is the marker”.

Thunder: “I humbly beseech your forgiveness, O master of the pitch, the blog, and the hammer.”

Todd, reconsidering his first response: “"Sir, I'd love to go through the ins and outs of our strategic plan right now, but I think my contribution to the Coast Guard would be much better summarized by my dropping a 30-yard hammer throw to you in the end zone. Suit up."

Tom: “As an office chief, I can see where that "can do" attitude would be positively reflected in your next performance appraisal, young man; assuming the hammer throw was successful, that is.”

Rodney: “That quite the title you have there Tom on your auto signature!”

Tom: “I’m a Renaissance Man”.

Phil: “I'm in for whenever, and I really mean that. (sorry if that had already been said, I'm just getting going this morning.)

Rodney: “Freaking Phil, a day late and dollar short!”

Witness Protection Services Required

Submitted by Guillermo

The sun reappeared yesterday and the Buzzards took to the field after too many days off. As you might have expected with the deluge of rain we’ve had, the field was a bit “spongy” in places. We had an odd number yesterday of 5 on 4 because Todd inexplicably did not show up after RSVPing for the game. We thought maybe he just missed the time change but when he didn’t come out after a half hour we assume he got sucked into some kind of meeting.

Too bad too, because the gold team desperately needed him yesterday. The green team was the 4-man team and Bryan, Bob, Rodney & Tom had a great game. Bob was showing bursts of speed normally only seen in our less “seasoned” players, Rodney was swatting discs out of the air on defense, and Tom was making throws that frankly, I haven’t seen Tom make before. Swinny was enjoying being surrounded by the talent yesterday and they pretty much mopped up the field with the extra-manned gold team. I would tell you who was on that team but they have been put in the Federal Witness Protection program after yesterday’s performance.

I will tell you they were all regular players who have all seen better days. The bulk of the problem yesterday seemed to center around being able to actually complete a pass…often the first. The defense wasn’t too bad. The scores being made by green were, for the most part, earned by just good play by them but gold’s offense was…well offensive. They actually found some scores very late in the game and connected on a couple long plays but it was a long time coming and generally just had the effect of winning the West Virginia primary at the end of a long campaign season when you’re insurmountably behind in the delegate count.

We’re hoping for a better showing today. It’s supposed to be another perfect weather day, sunny, 70 degrees, barely any wind. How can you not want to come out and throw the disc around? How could you possibly do any worse then the gold throwers yesterday? Bring a friend. And if they look familiar, but have a different name, you’ll know they may have been one of the players from yesterday…don’t give up their identity, it’s for their own good.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New player, new energy, new rule clarification

submited by Bill

Well, the team distribution went a little better today, especially given the intangible of a new player. Welcome out Dennis! Nice throwing & catching…and you run too? Careful, you might come to like this sport. *** Buzzard Disclaimer *** May cause unusual addictive behaviors like coming in on leave to play during lunch, rescheduling meetings to end by 11 or not start until after 1300, and purchasing inordinate amounts of CG logo clothes in the Exchange when you’ve forgotten your workout gear.

Todd, presumably inspired that people on his team were actually moving today and playing some semblance of defense had some interesting spurts of running, layouts and semi layouts. You shouldn’t have to actually layout on a pass in the flat when you’re by yourself but when I’m throwing, you never know.

Of course, not all my throws were as suspect. I did manage to land two hammers for scores. The first to Tom on a jump ball type of play…by the way, speaking of jump balls and Tom…c’mon you can all admit it, the first mental image you get is of somebody getting laid out on the ground right? Well, I counted no less than 4 plays today that Boom Boom made on defense, going up and not hitting anybody (at least not with foul quality contact). Nice D…you looking for a new nickname?

The real contact came on another play. The first time on these Ultimate fields where I’ve actually been sincerely afraid. I had gone up in the air for a throw from Dennis and then felt my body starting to get horizontal to the ground on the way down. With no idea what was landing first, I fell right on my back but amazingly seemed to disperse the contact enough through the rest of the body and survived. To be fair, we hadn’t really explained the strategy of not making your teammate jump for the disc when Shadow is closing in.

The green team actually played the way it should have with a man advantage early on in the game with a couple 3-0 scoring runs. Tom’s aforementioned D, Dennis enjoying the advantage of new guy expectations, and Todd, Eli & I actually being able to handle the disc for 3 or 4 passes without a turnover.

But the gold team held its own nicely and in fact made comeback at a surprising time in the game (the end) for a team short a player. 10 yards and cut, 10 yards and cut. Hollan got loose several times on short slants in the end zone where Phil & Thunder hit him with scoring passes. Frank worked some nice give and goes…and not to whine but just for some rule clarification…you can’t make a forward pass while taking forward momentum steps. They call that traveling Buzzards and it’s against one of the few rules and actually is a rule, unlike the 12-count stall turnover that Lon was looking for yesterday.

A good way to practice this is when you catch it, plant your foot (just 1) and pivot on it. Once you do that, remind yourself that you can not pick that foot up until you actually let go of the disc.

Scott, these are the kinds of rules and strategy sessions we’ll need to have before we actually head to an organized game against another team that knows the rules.

Running on's too late for me

Submitted by Bill

Looking out at the road rushing under my wheelsLooking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields.

I could hear Jackson Browne’s melodic Southern California style ringing in my ears yesterday as I returned to the field after more than a week away and struggled to find my wind. Of course, that wasn’t the worst of it. In my misrepresentation of my own running potential I must have evaluated some others on our green team similarly and when Todd lined up for the first pull and looked down the line to see who would be “running” with him he must have been discouraged not only to find he was a player short but that there weren’t a lot of chasers there on his side.

After the game, Phil remarked “Well, you had a lot of handlers…” and to be sure we had a very nice team of handlers yesterday. Of course, the handlers can’t just all hang back and throw to themselves in the middle of the field all day long and our inability to cut and slash and run vertically caused some problems yesterday. The lack of running was not limited to the offense and we let a lot of runners by us on the defensive side as well.

I called the game with 8 responses yesterday and then Wings came out after we secretly sabotaged the football game by having his boss call a meeting and then excusing himself at the last minute…okay, we’re not quite that conniving…or smart for that matter. So we had 9 confirmed on the way down to the locker room. I saw Swinny as I was leaving and that made 10 and then got out to the field and Paul had wandered out as well. That gave us the 6 on 5 game and for some reason I thought putting Phil, Swinny, Paul & the “sneaky fast” trio of Bob, MattC & Wings on one side seemed equitable.

Myself, Tim, Thunder & Shadow are more “bursty fast” which is to say we have bursts of speed surrounded by a lot of, um, “field stagnation” leaving Todd to wonder whether to cover Phil or Swinny each time down and playing the odds that Tim or I might be able to stay with the other for a play or two. Even when Lon wandered out and gave us and even 6 on 6, we seemed to have problems tying 3 or 4 completed passes together or marking all our men at one time.

Give gold credit for realizing this and making several nice short pass drives up the field and playing some good D. I told Bob on one trip down the field that usually I could just toss the disc up and count Todd being able to out hustle a defender to the disc but after watching a lazy pass into the end zone get quickly double teamed and drop to the ground I realized that I’d have to do a better job placing the disc.

You know each game seems to bring something unique to the field and yesterday was no exception. While setting up the cones we noticed a nice surprise toward the middle of one side of the field…a pile of horse crap! So, we deployed a couple extra cones and had the added bonus of aromatherapy. I think I may need to switch to jasmine, juniper berries or patchouli today because yesterday’s scent was too indicative of the way I played.

I want to take a minute to offer a hearty Buzzard farewell to another regular. Yesterday was Travis’ last day at HQ, and in fact, in the Coast Guard. As one of the few guys who could actually run with Swinny on a regular basis, you’ll be sorely missed. We wish you the best as you head to MIT to get more geekier. We hope to see you on their Team Page in the future.

Good idea of the day ~ Phil making sure to have a 120’x40’ yard field mowed at his vineyard for the annual Ultimate Vine Invitational ~ “Now, pulling for the Shiraz team, Thunder”… “Oh, what a layout by Swinny of team Reisling” Quick, respond now with your favorite grape and start recruiting your players

It’s good to be back Buzzards.

Doctor my eyes
Tell me what is real
I hear their cries
Just saying "It's too late for me"

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

7 vs. 7, sunshine, Hard hits, and some awesome Army music.

Submitted by Phil

Not a typical start to my Monday. Returning from a weeks worth of leave I was a little depressed to come back to the o'l puzzle palace but those feeling were quick to change. Before I had even made it to my cube the boss man, aka "thunder" said to me "hope you have your stuff, I already replied that you're playing." From that moment on I knew it was going to be a spectacular day. And a spectacular day it was.

Walking out to the ultimate pitch we ended up with 7 vs. 7. If my memory serves me right it was a classic match up between the Gold team of: Phill, Swinny, Scott, Eli, Derek, Tim, and Hollan, and the Green team composed of: Todd, Justin, Frank, Bob, Tom, Rodney, and Jason. With a heavy count of regulars and no newcomers the game was destined to be a good one. Along with the normal bumping, and light contact there were a few instances that stood out. For example when Scott managed to level Frank pretty good near the end zone as the two battled in the air after the disk. Or when I was completely murdered by Todd, who felt the need to attack my ankles and send me into the ground, (ok that might have been dramatized a bit but you all know what I am talking about) For all those non regulars reading this I swear it is a non contact sport.

For the most part the teams were even and a good solid match was had. However, there was one more little treat that the Buzzards were in for. Little to our knowledge, we were privileged to be able to listen to the Army band and select singers practice just yards away. Nothing like listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over and... well you get the point. Apparently the music took Bryan back to his Karaoke days as he was quick to burst into song along with them. What a treat.

Despite the great back ground music when it came down to the end of the match and the "first one the three" was called, the Gold teams patience and precise disk work led them to a 3-1 victory over the Green team, But who's counting anyway, and "Who the #%$@ is marking Scott!!!!!"


Monday, May 5, 2008

Recap from Last week

Submitted by Thunder


Well, after some high turn-out days, this week was a struggle. With some key regulars on leave (Bill, Phil, Todd?), our depth was really tested. Monday was a true regular's game... 3 on 3 in the rain and thick grass. Setting up two goals, Frank, Rodney and I took on Eric, Tom and Matt.

There was very little doubt that standing in the crease would require titanium gonads, Rodney took shot after shot in the shins from Eric, Tom and Matt... well at least until Tom took mercy on Rodney's shins and came out with the backhand-over-the-shoulder-lightning bolt right into........ Rodney's face. Ouch.

With a cool rain settling on the long grass, Rodney made the Ultimate layout. Going long on a break-away pass from Frank, Rodney dove face first, slid 30 feet on his stomach, catching the disc and nearly sliding with it into the goal. I think I know where the inspiration for the slip'n'slide came from.

Enough about Rodney... Tom was a powerhouse scoring machine and Eric proved to be my nemesis. No matter how far around him I tried to throw, his out-stretched 16 foot wingspan defeated me. Matt, props to you for your aggressive behind the net play. Must be the post-season hockey action that inspired your play calling.

Tuesday. Well I can't really say much. It was the final make-up weigh-in day. With a 12-pack of Guinness on the line with Phil, I opted for an early morning workout... ok, I was sweating making weight and figured a quick hour on the treadmill in long pants wouldn't hurt my chances of collecting my prize. Needless-to-say, I had no idea the disappointment that would be thrust on me later that day by the regulars when I opted out of playing (I'd like to say I was resting my legs, but truth be told I was just enjoying being able to eat again). Uh, Phil, you owe me...

Wednesday. Two days in a row I missed the game. Guess I should find a ghost writer to fill in here. Anyway, 49 of my closest classmates and I secured tickets to the Nationals game and we were very busy making preparations in the James Creek Marina parking lot Wednesday morning. I know there was a game because I saw quite a few of you trot by on the way to McNair. Tim even had the decency to stop by and socialize a little.

Thursday. A beautiful day to return to the field. 4 on 4 with an even mix of regulars and irregulars (my apologies for missing names here). Both teams matched up well and the sun even came out.

Friday. What was I thinking? The ranks were still thin, but I thought I'd give Rodney a break from calling the game, so I dutifully punched out an early morning feeler to see if anyone was even here today. Sure the regulars all replied within 15 minutes and we were up to 5... then silence...[more crickets please]... As the hour approached 1100, I decided to call no game, but Microsoft had other plans for me. While I sent the email, the Outlook gremlins decided I didn't need email anymore. After 20 minutes with the help desk, my email was restored, luckily the no game email had gotten lost in the recovery effort. Rodney and Hollan called in to tell me they had moved appointments around and Swinney emailed over an interested Army player. My eyes perked up as the magic number eight bounced through my head and I quickly sent out the Game On! Email.

How disappointing. After being kicked from the North fields by the infantry, we merely managed 5 today (Tom, Tim, Hollan, Rodney and I). Our warm-up session went into extra innings with some intricate 5-way 2-disc maneuvers. Giving up all hope, we played yet another variant of 3-on-2. In today's game, we set up three cones right next to each other at each end of the field. Assigning Tim to be the permanent offensive man (as in offense vs defense, but if you find him offensive, that's ok too), Rodney and I took on Tom and Hollan. No pulls, just play the disc. Knock over a cone with the disc and you score... simple, right? Let's just say throwing a disc at cones makes the small soccer goals look like caverns. It was a low scoring game with lots of running... freshly cut grass, sunshine, and warm... far better than occupying a cubicle.

Anyway, lesson learned; calling a game is much harder than it looks. Bill, come back soon, we need your leadership, your sportsmanship, and YOUR blog entries!!!