Thursday, November 8, 2007

48 Degrees

There are different degrees of 48 aren’t there? I was thinking this morning as I was out with the Colors detail that “Hmmm, this is going to be a little brisk at lunch for today’s game” and when I first walked out I was hoping for a little more sun. But without much wind, once you get running, 48 degrees is almost perfect Ultimate weather

Other degrees of 48….

Cadmium has the atomic number of 48…my least favorite NASCAR driver is #48…It was the number worn by Gerald Ford when he played football at Michigan. For those of you who are familiar with Ford’s “agility reputation” if he played Ultimate it would look something like Bob pulling today and almost knotting himself up like a pretzel…that may also be how old Bob is but I can neither confirm or deny that. Mahatma Gandhi was murdered in 1948…he would have loved Ultimate…that whole “Sprit of the Game” thing is pure Gandhi. Al Gore was born in ’48…you know he invented Ultimate…no wait, that was something else wasn’t it?

At any rate…we had a great game of 5 on 5 today ~ Visor, Brady, DD, Matt & Newbie vs Phil, Header, Bob, Wings & Father Bryan (no, it’s my fault, my bad, that sucked, sorry). The gold team used their team speed (ok, well Bryan ran some) to its advantage today. There were lots of hammers soaring today and a couple of machetes also.

Is it just me or does anybody else think it's a strange coincidence that Kashyap hasn't been here the whole week that Sniper said he'd be on his honeymoon?

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