Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Busy News Cycle...

~ submitted by Bill

A lot of things in the news yesterday! You know the Mayflower Hotel, Mary Ann caught with the Mary Jane, Mississippi voters heading to the polls, Madonna headed to the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame…Mmmmmmm good.

I can see where you might have missed the return of great Ultimate weather. Perhaps that was the reason we could only draw 7 out of their cubicles on the best weather day we’ve had in months.

The green team, playing a man short yesterday played a very spirited game. Phil kind of assumed a new role (for him) of handler and managed some nice give and go drives with Shadow while also discovering a new weapon…a sliding (and therefore previously running) Scott making two fabulous catches yesterday. On one play that Phil was actually the recipient in the end zone, we had the best collision of the day as I was closing from the other side of the field on him and sent him tumbling, with disc in hand, across the back of the end zone.

Another end zone play for gold saw Todd jumping way up in the air about 5 seconds before he needed to, hoping to avoid a collision with the sneaky yet impact-ful Frank. Bill & Todd both had loads of trouble throwing yesterday…well, really I just wanted some company in that sentence but it was basically just me…my excuse…it’s the first game we’ve played with winds under about 15 mph in several weeks.

Speaking of several weeks. That’s how long it had been since we’d seen Jason who made it back out on the field today. Wings volunteered “It’s only been a week since I played and you aren’t any more rusty than I am”. We generally found our most success when all four of us touched the disc.

Today is supposed to be even a tad warmer than yesterday but there are a lot of people unavailable this week for playing and I’m shaking my head in disbelief that we might not get enough to play.

Hey you new folks, or very sporadic players…today is your day. Come on out, the weather will be great, you can get back into the game, maybe even get your picture taken for the blog. Really, it beats sitting in the cubicle, you gotta believe me on that.


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