Remember when we were worried that summer would get too humid? Ha!
Nine valiant Buzzards (Steve, St. Paul, Conrad, Frank N., New Nate, New Nate’s Friend (NNF... "Adam"?), John Fiorentine, Kevin d’ and Matt) braved the wind and the rain to go and play a little 5 on 4. Anyone who is wondering when winter disc is going to start should take note: it started today at 1130.
Game disc to Conrad Theroux, first for calling the game (thanks!), washing the pinnies, stepping up with sweet hands, and finally for being the difference on at least two teams. If Conrad was on your team today, your team did well. Of course, Conrad got passed around like Italy in WWII, but every team he was on did well while he was on it.
The only problem with playing in a cold rain is that you wind up not-warm and not-dry. On the plus side, soft ground and wet grass meant lots of pain-free (or, at least, reduced pain) layouts. Hot cocoa and a cold pack is an odd, but good, combination, like oranges & chocolate or bacon & anything.
In automotive news, the 2010 Mazda “Pinnie” was unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show. Just like its namesake, the day after you wash it, it rains. You ever actually read the stencil on the pinnies? It says "Wash. Rinse. Repeat."
That’s probably our last game this week. Lots of Buzzards are flying home for the holidays today and tomorrow, and (God Bless VADM Currier & RADM Brice-O’Hara) I suspect slim pickins Wednesday after liberty is granted. So enjoy your Thanksgiving and come back with pumpkin-pie fueled fire on Monday. Remember: its not about food or football, its about family. Especially family that cooks and has the game on.
Training for sprint speed/stamina
Author: ppgear
What's a good training regimen to develop sprint stamina? I always run hard
and get pretty gassed d...
10 years ago
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