Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Middle-aged Folly" or "Civic icons of Fitness"?

Another great game today…5 on 5, 80 degrees, incredibly humid. We actually had 11 until Rodney went crumbling to the ground holding his leg. The compassionate crew that we are, I heard the remarks, “Okay, that’s long enough, roll him out of the way, let’s get back to the game!” and “Also, can you take a few pictures since you won’t be playing anymore”.

We assume he’s okay since he walked back to the building without any of our help. We’re guessing just some middle aged aches and pains.

Speaking of middle aged…apparently our readership has expanded beyond those of us actually playing. This excites and worries me both at the same time. At any rate, we’ve been accused of some sort of middle-aged male narcissistic attempt to see our names and pictures associated with sport at all costs. I’m pretty sure that was a compliment but I’ll have to follow up with Mallard and double check that it wasn’t the ex just trying to sweet talk him again.

Really, in all fairness only a few of us are probably middle-aged. And while I confess to coming close to that milestone I must also offer, in my defense, that I’ve basically given up all other sports in my life, and especially from a spectator standpoint. I can’t remember the last sporting event I watched on television beginning to end.

So, we’re not completely consumed with ourselves and there are women that play with us though one is on the disabled list all the time and the other stands us up more than any high school dates we ever had. Kelly, now I know that “maybe” means I’m eating alone again. And you might be surprised at the depth of conversational versatility we have. Heck today I overheard discussions of the rodeo, chemistry (the density of vodka does prevent sweating alcohol odor), Blackwater missions (what they really need is a good layout ace), and theology (the hammer of God).

There was even some talk about art (what do you see in these grass stains on my shirt?) and culinary expertise (who won “Top Chef” last night?). See, we’re really renaissance men but we appreciate the concern for our depravity. There should be some allowance that your knowledge of us comes through the eyes of Lindsay who is, and I say this with love and affection, perhaps not our most demographically median representative.

New nicknames bestowed today. I’m torn between “Carom” and “Tip Drill” for Kashyap. Matt C, I’m about to dub you “Floater” if you throw me one more pass that won’t come down.

Okay everybody, you’ll have to wait until later to see the pictures from today, I actually have to get back to work.

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