Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kiss my Assets

People were eager to play today. The invite went out at 0700 and an hour later I had already gotten 9 positive replies and even 1 cancellation. The Buzzards were apparently trumped by the Coast Guard’s Chief Counsel for Kevin’s billable hours. But no worries, Phil rogered up shortly after and we were back to 9. I thought for sure, with the weather forecast that we’d see some stragglers but it stayed at the uneven 5-4 which gave me the chance to snap off some pictures (soon to be posted) before joining the game in time to throw my 5 best passes to Phil who unfortunately was not on my team at the time.

To add insult to injury on one play I was actually heading into the end zone, I drew the attention of defensive Mr. Everywhere. He didn’t intercept the pass to me though…no instead he cleated me on the heel and I went down in a crumple. “In the crumple” seemed to be a popular position today by the way. Bob had already been down once and would go down again and Brad also rolled an ankle and went down in a heap when I put on a lightening fast cut fake on him (okay, I leaned my head one direction and stopped).

Todd claiming some numb armness (I just made that one up) from apparently hitting too many volleyballs this past weekend, said he was having trouble making the long throw and 2 or 3 times I saw him look off the deep route. Too bad on those occasions, we didn’t actually give him too many short cut options.

Brian, fresh off his elbow surgery seemed to have few ill effects. And in fact may have even been running faster than normal (not that you need a flipping elbow for that). But he made at least 2 great running grabs deep.

Speaking of volleyball, we lured Shane back out again today. We love it when he’s got those 1300 meetings and can’t make the v-ball schedule. He and Scott had some interesting matchups today. Neither of those two look like leapers on the outside…ah but looks are deceiving.

And finally, we have a picture of Jason to post soon where he is skying above the defender for a disc. Your kids are going to love this one.

Here’s the philosophical question of the day…Would you rather be a legacy or leave a legacy? And is “legacy asset” an oxymoron? I’m pretty sure Thunder was playing with my asset out on the field but I don’t have it on camera for the proof I need. I do, however, have cleat marks on my heel….oh, that’s going to leave a legacy.

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