Tuesday, May 6, 2008

7 vs. 7, sunshine, Hard hits, and some awesome Army music.

Submitted by Phil

Not a typical start to my Monday. Returning from a weeks worth of leave I was a little depressed to come back to the o'l puzzle palace but those feeling were quick to change. Before I had even made it to my cube the boss man, aka "thunder" said to me "hope you have your stuff, I already replied that you're playing." From that moment on I knew it was going to be a spectacular day. And a spectacular day it was.

Walking out to the ultimate pitch we ended up with 7 vs. 7. If my memory serves me right it was a classic match up between the Gold team of: Phill, Swinny, Scott, Eli, Derek, Tim, and Hollan, and the Green team composed of: Todd, Justin, Frank, Bob, Tom, Rodney, and Jason. With a heavy count of regulars and no newcomers the game was destined to be a good one. Along with the normal bumping, and light contact there were a few instances that stood out. For example when Scott managed to level Frank pretty good near the end zone as the two battled in the air after the disk. Or when I was completely murdered by Todd, who felt the need to attack my ankles and send me into the ground, (ok that might have been dramatized a bit but you all know what I am talking about) For all those non regulars reading this I swear it is a non contact sport.

For the most part the teams were even and a good solid match was had. However, there was one more little treat that the Buzzards were in for. Little to our knowledge, we were privileged to be able to listen to the Army band and select singers practice just yards away. Nothing like listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over and... well you get the point. Apparently the music took Bryan back to his Karaoke days as he was quick to burst into song along with them. What a treat.

Despite the great back ground music when it came down to the end of the match and the "first one the three" was called, the Gold teams patience and precise disk work led them to a 3-1 victory over the Green team, But who's counting anyway, and "Who the #%$@ is marking Scott!!!!!"


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