Monday, May 19, 2008

Chiefly addition, playing for 2, & losing traction

Submitted by Bill

Great numbers toward the end of last week. On Wednesday we had a ridiculous 16 come on out. Much of the regular cast but a new face also. Welcome out Jorge. Another Chief is always welcome. Devin also came out for the first time since last summer and we took turns chasing him around. 8 on 8 is a lot of players. You’ve really got to have your short passing game on and some semblance of order and being able to run from a stack. We’ll have to have a skills practice or two sometime soon maybe.

Thursday I missed but I hear there were another 12 out there including Bryan’s wife and their child to be.

Friday was a rain game. Well, actually it had stopped by the time we got out there and we got a nice turn out (for a rainy Friday) of 8. They dynamics are crazy different from playing with 8 players on a team to only 8 on the field. I was apologizing ahead of time to my team for stacking the opposing gold team with more speed but as it turned out…erroneously so. Todd, Tom, Frank & I actually looked like the running team on many occasions as we found a nice formula…Todd and I would make the first couple passes then hit Tom or Frank on a medium length pass and let those two give and go it into the end zone. In fact, we ran Tom silly in the end zone from side to side on Friday. Tom was showing off the other aspects of his game this week (throwing & running) to become that renaissance player. Despite Rodney’s claims of goon play the week before.

Phil, Bob, Hollan & Conrad couldn’t quite get gold all on the same page Friday. I told Bob, who had been showing off some speed earlier in the week “that he must have run his tank low” by Friday’s game. Conrad was planning a trip to the sports store for the weekend to cleat shop after his third or fourth fall in the wet grass.

Today looks like it may be the best day of the week to play as rain and thunderstorms move in on Tuesday & Wednesday. So let’s get out and have a great game today.

Got an email from Travis late Friday afternoon…made it safely to Massachusetts and sends along his greetings to the Buzzards. Oh, and another reply to the historian that chalks up his initial attendance to Annette. Travis says he remembers her first email invite after she took over the list. Stand up and take a bow Annette (oh, you are standing).

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